
Let's Move Forward is a multimedia project created by AniMerrill Productions (a full list of contributors here) and published under free culture licenses. This means that our work is not only free to consume, but you are also free to make copies or derivatives for any reason as long as you comply with our license. For this reason, the continuation and expansion of Let's Move Forward is wholly dependent on the support of our readers. We only ask that if our work has somehow genuinely inspired you or enriched your life that you find some way to support us.

If you do not like our work or are somehow offended by it, then you are not obligated to give anything (but you're welcome to give constructive criticism!)

This page is dedicated to detailing the different ways you can support us financially. Please note that there are definitely many other ways to be supportive though, and by just being a friendly reader in the community you are helping us make a space where creativity and innovation can blossom. It would also really help to just share it with friends you think might like it!

We would also like to add that as soon as we have any income with which to file the necessary paperwork, AniMerrill Productions will formally be turned into a cooperative- a business which is collectively owned by the workers it employs. This means any money given will be divided according to shares agreed upon democratically by the active contributors.

Table of Contents


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Our primary way that you can support us right now is through Ko-fi. Ko-fi is one of the crowdfunding sites where you are encouraged to "buy a coffee" for the creator you want to support. In practice, this means you make a donation of about USD$3. Unlike other crowdfunding platforms, there is not really any special content you can see by donating to it... it's effectively like a digital tip jar.

On the other hand, the payments are one time and you can limit your contributions to whenever is most convenient for you. If you would normally give a $1 a month to an artist on Patreon, feel free to just pitch a coffee to us every three or four months and it'll effectively be the same without the subscription.

While we would make more with a subscription crowdfunding of some kind, I do appreciate the no pressure vibe of Ko-fi. We hope that by putting a link to it at the top of our pages instead of some invasive banner ad, it will remind enough people enough of the time to keep us funded.

Full Resolution Chapter Releases

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Coming soon...

Eventually when we finish our first chapter, and every chapter beyond, we plan to sell a full resolution copy of the chapter issue in some kind of printable form and some kind of e-book form. These will of course also be under the same license, but won't be released by us for free due to the full comic already being available for free on the website. More details in the future.